Singing Guide: Group 1 Crew

Singing Guide: Group 1 Crew

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Welcome to this article on how to sing like Group 1 Crew! Group 1 Crew is a faith-based hip-hop/pop group that gained popularity in the late 2000s with their catchy beats and uplifting lyrics. Their lead rapper, Manwell Reyes, is known for his energetic flow and smooth vocals, which make him stand out in the crowd.

To sing like Group 1 Crew, it is essential to master the art of breath control and vocal agility. In many of their songs, Manwell Reyes demonstrates his ability to switch between singing and rapping quickly while maintaining the same level of energy. To achieve this, it is important to practice drills that incorporate breath support, such as Farinelli Breathing. You can find a great tutorial on this breathing technique in Singing Carrots' educational video library.

Another aspect that sets Group 1 Crew apart is their use of contemporary vocal techniques. In particular, Manwell Reyes is known for his belting and use of twang, which gives his voice an edgy quality. Singing Carrots offers an exercise specific to twang that you can use to help you develop this technique. With practice, you can learn how to incorporate twang into your singing, allowing you to emulate Group 1 Crew's signature sound.

In terms of song selection, Group 1 Crew has many great tracks that showcase their unique vocal style. One song that stands out is "Goin' Down," where Manwell Reyes demonstrates his ability to move between rapping and singing while maintaining an upbeat tempo. Another track that highlights his vocal agility is "Let's Go," which features a mix of rapping and singing, and shows his ability to switch between the two with ease.

To summarize, to sing like Group 1 Crew, it is important to focus on breath control, vocal agility, and contemporary vocal techniques like twang. Be sure to incorporate Singing Carrots' breathing and twang exercises, and practice songs like "Goin' Down" and "Let's Go" to develop your skills. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve a unique sound like Manwell Reyes and emulate the positive, uplifting vibe of Group 1 Crew. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.